![]() As I mentioned in my previous blog, I intend to use my #FitnessFriday blog post space for keeping track of -and accountability toward- my marathon goal. November 8 is the big day, and I'm already well in to Week 1 of 24 total weeks. Sunday, May 25, was the official first day of training, but it started off with a rest day, so my first run was on Memorial Day. Three miles. Easy enough, except after two months of hit-or-miss workouts in general, I very much noticed where my progress had slipped after having been so dedicated to my treadmill and workouts through the winter. I'm still getting re-acclimated to running outdoors in general, too. Tuesdays are cross-training days, and this past Tuesday, I decided on Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred, level 2. It'd been a while and though I know I can do all the exercises pretty well, again I plainly saw what two months of "slacking" had done to the progress I'd made with my physical strength and endurance. Wednesdays are pace/tempo runs. Wednesday this week I had a 3 mile pace run and kept a 9:59 pace. It's amazing how quickly my body can bounce back even after 2 months "off". My calves hurt like heck on this day too, but it didn't affect my running. Thursdays are the other rest day of the training plan week. I'm writing this on Thursday in preparation for tomorrow (which is now today, by the time you're reading this!). I just have to say it feels so strange to take a day "off" after only working out 3 days in a row. But, I'm trusting the process. I'm trusting the training plan. Which reminds me, "Trust the Process" has been my theme... from the time I began this whole journey, that which I thought was simply about losing weight and feeling better physically, but I've since found out that it's about so, soooo much more!! Friday, today when you read this... Fridays are my long run days. I must must must run early. Six miles. I'll treadmill it if I have to, but I will get it done early because I have a lot of plans for the day!! If you've read this far -- please check in with me to make sure I ran my six miles this morning!!! Saturdays are cross-training days and I plan to rotate between many various workout DVDs and such to mix things up along the way. P90X, P90X3, Jillian Michaels, Bob Harper, bellydancing, yoga, pilates, walking, biking, swimming. So many options!! No, I still don't feel bad about taking a couple of months off of the exercise/workout focus. The Anais Nin quote I posted above really hit home and comforted me in the fact that yes, we DO grow unevenly, and YES it was perfectly okay for me to let go of growth (temporarily) in one area to grow and learn in another area or several. Now I'm better able to integrate everything I've learned in the past two months in to a refocused physical training plan, which will also aid in further mental and spiritual growth. It's okay and I don't have to beat myself up... instead, I'm moving forward with many lessons learned and most assuredly NOT giving up on myself this time!!! I'm NOT okay with settling for my "comfort zone". Please help keep me accountable. Join me on my Facebook pages: Spark Your Motivation and Running Is My Zen. Join my Facebook fitness group, Fitness with Friends. Sign up for free coaching by yours truly so we can keep each other accountable to our goals! Stop back here each week for a new update and to let me know how YOUR fitness plans are coming along at the same time -- I'm all for mutual encouragement and holding one another accountable to the goals we set for ourselves. Onward toward week 2 of training..... and happy weekend! June is near!! This is a Blog Hop post. The following are the 'rules' of the #FitnessFriday Blog Hop:
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![]() Okay, bear with me here, as this may turn out to be a little more scattered and longer than I normally like my blog posts to be. I haven't had a whole lot of time to devote to writing lately, and so I thought I'd take the relative quiet of this beautiful Sunday afternoon to write a bit of a personal update. Writing just happens to be one of my favorite outlets besides running and yoga - both of which have ALSO been put aside except sporadically for the past several weeks. Why? The reasons are many. One, I fell neatly into the trap of "I'm far too busy to take care of myself, what with needing to bring on more clients and more work ASAP, and keep up on my current workload, and kids to care for, and a husband to support, and a house to clean and dinners to plan and cook, and so on...". And before you inquire, my husband is one of the most considerate, helpful, handy husbands out there. We both have big ambitious goals and fully support one another in reaching them - how lucky can I be?! ;) Anyway, yeah, so right as I was coming near the conclusion of the intermediate half marathon training plan at the beginning of May, I petered out. I only got about a third of the way through P90X3. Life happened and I allowed my workout plans and schedule to be derailed, knowing that I would pick back up again not too far down the road, as my marathon goal still remains. I put taking care of my physical self aside also to deal with some mental and emotional happenings and healing. I've said so many times over again that getting healthier is just as much a mental and emotional journey as it is a physical one. I've dealt with so many fears, so much doubt, so many worries, so much anxiety in the past 4 years... everything within my mind that wants to limit me in any way... I've dealt with it, worked through it, let it hold me back for a while, beat it and moved forward. Oftentimes, I'll hit the self-destruct button to (subconsciously) purposely wreck or delay my progress, out of fear, out of guilt... (Here's a cool video on the subject). That's what trips me up every time and seemingly delays the progress I'd ideally like to see, but I've learned that it's a process, and that sometimes it's perfectly okay to wallow in self-doubt as you work through issues, as long as you don't end up wallowing for too terribly long before you pick yourself back up again and carry on toward your goals. I still have full 100% dedicated determination to achieve the goal I set for myself back on New Years Day. As I said, my full marathon goal is still very much alive. And a mere twenty four weeks away. I won't excuse myself from this goal, and so I allowed myself this time to indulge in unhealthy foods, to eat whatever, whenever and in whatever quantity I felt like. I allowed myself to slack on working out. I allowed myself this time to untangle some long-held yet completely untrue thoughts about myself and my sense of self worth. I don't expect that I won't still be facing fears throughout this journey to 26.2. I don't expect that I'm done growing. However, I *do* expect to reincorporate regular exercise, eating healthy and drinking plenty of water beginning tomorrow morning, Monday, May 26, 2014. I will put to use everything I know about self-care and make it a priority once again, because it helps me to be more focused and confident with the other parts of my life and daily duties. Honestly, as I've come to the very end of this break, I've been feeling the itch to get back at it, the ache of missing my stress outlets, the buildup of excess energy that needs those kind of releases. I feel like an arrow being pulled back, slowly and deliberately, eye on the bullseye... ready to take aim and sail toward my goals. Yet antsy to get started because, let's face it, patience has most certainly never been a strong suit of mine! Patient persistence. I'm learning. I'm taking part of this weekend to reorganize, to schedule my week ahead, my month ahead and to get really clear on my goals for self-care, family, home, career and so on. I have big ambitious ideas but I need a clear plan of action to go along with the crazy goals and ambitions!! :D I've chosen my marathon training plan, Hal Higdon's Marathon 3 plan. It begins tomorrow. I rededicate myself to the process and make sure to make my own self-care a top priority, because then and only then, will I continue to have the energy, the alertness, the confidence and the stress relief that the other parts of my day will require of me moving forward. I *will* run that marathon on November 8!! As for my blog, I'll be using partially it to log and track my marathon training plan progress, week by week, as part of my #FitnessFriday contribution - beginning this coming Friday. So if you, my regular readers (I have some regulars, right??) don't hear an update from me during any particular week, please check in on me. I plan to hold myself accountable to you - to my Facebook fitness friends - and most of all to myself. Because I deserve to treat myself and this amazing body with the care and consideration it deserves. This body that can do so much more than I ever thought possible, even though it may not "look" a certain way (which reminds me, check out this awesomely inspiring blog). That's another blog in the works -- society's standards versus our everyday life realities. What inspires you to keep going when you feel less than confident about yourself? Let me know in the comments below, because you never know, you may inspire the next reader that stops by! ![]() I've been a Team Beachbody Coach since January this year. Prior to that, I'd been approached multiple times over several years about becoming a coach and I'd always said no. I was very leery of the program altogether, honestly. Then along comes Lisa, my coach. She never approached me about becoming a coach. She posts health, fitness and nutrition information on her page. She's friendly, she's personable. She's local too, that's a big plus for me! She posted a special offer to any new coaches that signed on to her team, Team Believe. I thought about it. I researched it further. I'd already been doing some P90X workouts borrowed from a friend and I loved the results I was seeing. And so, I thought, what could it hurt to at least give it a shot? I have very little to lose and potentially very much to gain. The business has been around for several years now. It's well-established. And the more I get to know about the company, the more I see that they truly do care about achieving their company and TEAM goal of "ending the trend of obesity". Of educating people about health, fitness, exercise and nutrition. It's not about the money, though I know the issue of cost comes up a LOT. All I have to say about that is, consider what you get for your investment in YOU. Not JUST a workout program or a shake or some supplements. No, you ALSO get a coach who is very much on your side and knows what the journey is like, PLUS you get a whole community of like-minded, supportive, encouraging and enthusiastic people that truly want to see YOU succeed at your goals too. And so, with that said... A little "DID YOU KNOW?" segment about Team Beachbody:
In the few short months that I've been a coach, I've realized that it really is your choice how far you want to take this business -- from signing on purely for the 25% discount on product orders to aiming for the highest top tier level coach and making it your full-time business or anywhere in between, you have all the support, resources and encouragement to help you achieve your goals, both in fitness AND in business. Oh, and I think I may have mentioned before, I'm a social media content manager, always keeping up as best I'm able on social media marketing tips, tricks, techniques and strategies -- so, joining my team would also mean having my social media experience on your side!! :) If this piques your curiosity at all, do let me know! For more information or to apply to join my Beachbody team, visit my Join My Team page. Tell me in the comments below, what questions do you have about being a Team Beachbody Coach? This is a Blog Hop post. The following are the 'rules' of the #FitnessFriday Blog Hop:
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Last few days to take advantage of BIG savings on these two great Challenge Packs:
P90X3 is a 90-day extreme fitness program designed to get you ripped in just 30 minutes a day. TurboFire -- This 90-day weight loss and body slimming program will help you get that leaner, sexier body you've always wanted, because it burns upto 9x more fat and calories than regular cardio. ORDER HERE! For the next couple of weeks, my #FitnessFriday blog posts will be covering topics directly related to Team Beachbody -- not in a sales-y kind of way, because that's not my way -- instead, I'll be opening up and being completely honest as to why I became involved in the company, answering questions related to how coaching works and spotlighting some products along the way..... if you have any Beachbody-related questions [or health/fitness weight loss questions in general!] be sure to let me know so I can feature it in one of my upcoming blog posts! And so to begin..... "What's Team Beachbody?" ![]() "This isn't a fitness video company. This isn't a healthy shake company. This isn't a network marketing company. This is a solution. This is an ecosystem of exactly what is proven to generate real, lasting, healthy weight loss results: Fitness, nutrition, peer support, and rewards. This is revolutionary because it is people-dependent. The more people participate, the higher the rate of success. I believe with discipline and persistence we will literally be the ones that end the trend of obesity. That's why we need to plug more people in. We need people to experience that a program that works - that actually keeps you accountable to your goals is less expensive than a cheap program that doesn't or some new piece of technology that is merely a shiny short term distraction. And a comprehensive approach like ours that helps you achieve the lifestyle that guarantees you will succeed and maintain your results is better than any surgery - because even the surgery requires a lifestyle change to maintain the results. So why not start here instead? Our work is more important than ever, because there is ZERO doubt about whether it works. But it's not easy, because there are a lot of pretenders out there making a lot of false promises. We don't mislad, and we don't pull any punches. We give you everything you need to get results. Help the people you love connect to the program that works - 100% of the time. And for some reason it's not what they were looking for, they get their money back. That's what Team Beachbody is." ~ Carl Daikeler, Team Beachbody CEO Why I Became an Independent Team Beachbody Coach ![]() I joined Team Beachbody because I'm passionate about assisting others in reaching their health, fitness and weight loss goals in my own unique way -- and being a TBB Coach helps me help you -- not only with products and workout systems, but also as a huge resource for information, camaraderie, support, accountability and teamwork. This is something I posted to my Facebook wall earlier this week that sums up why I became a Team Beachbody Coach, amongst my other life and work pursuits: "Okay, I realize I likely drive a few of you a little batty... or maybe some of you have even hidden me on your newsfeed... due to the Team Beachbody, workout, exercise, positive thinking STUFF. But that's okay with me. Why? Because I'm so passionate about helping others reach for their goals -- health, fitness, weight loss, a more positive frame of mind, social media strategy -- any way I can brighten up another's day, I'm there doing it. A smile, a kind word, encouragement. Advice and tips from my own personal experience -- both in health/weight loss/fitness/overcoming depression and low-self-worth and in social media/business. I know I can't help everybody but for those who reach out, those with "ears to hear", I'm here. Yep, I'm often taken advantage of... others try to emulate or downright copy me (I've even had others try to get me to do their work FOR them so they can take credit for it)... yet others taunt and make fun... and I'm quite certain others talk about me behind my back. BUT... none of that is important to me. None of that matters. Why? Because I'm HONEST in my intentions. I'm honest in my compassion, my caring and my true concern for others. I'm not out to make a quick buck -- seriously, there are plenty of ways to make that happen, but my hubby and I refuse to take anything but the path that feels most right and honorable in our hearts. Seriously, if money were no object (and one of these days it WON'T be!), I'd still be doing my do because it's what I love to do. So yes, I'm promoting products, but only products from a company that I can really get behind and support. Trust me, it took me a long LONG time to feel comfortable even dipping my toes in the Team Beachbody waters, much less start promoting and representing their products to those I care for! Even if you never purchase a Team Beachbody product through me, yet you'd like some assistance in some way with reaching your goals (health/fitness/weight loss or otherwise).... I'm here... just a message away... always confidential, never judgmental. Love to you all!" So, with all that said..... for next week's blog post, I plan to share info regarding the coaching opportunity itself, how much it *really* costs, along with some the benefits and perks of joining such a positive, forward-moving team. In the meantime... comment below with any questions I can answer for you! This is a Blog Hop post. The following are the 'rules' of the #FitnessFriday Blog Hop:
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![]() I tend to write quite a lot about "being yourself" and "doing your own thing" regardless of the judgment of others. You'd think I'd be a wholly and completely confident person in order to be able to write suggestions and stories and tips for others on the topic of confidence and "being yourself", right? Well, if so, you'd be wrong. I still stutter and stumble over my words and get nervous and turn several shades of red when I speak in front of a group of others. Admittedly, even one-on-one conversation can be a bit tricky for me at times. I've made tiny baby steps, as well as huge leaps, outside my comfort zone because I think... no, I *know* now that I'm supposed to be out there in front of people, teaching them in some capacity or other... my husband and I have been mulling over social media experience and wondering how we can make that in to more of my 'career', my 'calling'... teaching classes along those lines perhaps... the creative wheels are churning around here, as always. However, I still face a huge amount of fear when it comes to speaking with others. I say I've come a long way, because really I have. When I was a small child, I had trouble even speaking with my own grandparents. However, I intuit that part of my calling is being out in front of others, sharing information in some form or another. It's the thing I'm *most* resistant to... because I've lived in fear of putting myself out there to be at the mercy of other people's thoughts, opinions and judgments. To be totally and completely vulnerable like that is thoroughly frightening to me. Yikes! What the heck does this have to do with the title of this blog post, you ask? Yeah, I wondered there for a moment too, but I'll bring it back around. "Are you living by default?" What does that even mean? To me, it means, are you living within the limitations of your fears? Reacting to the atmosphere and circumstances around you (thus perpetuating them)? Nothing ever really changes for the positive and goals aren't reached (or even set!) because you're too busy giving up and giving in when the going gets too tough. When everything seems impossible. Constantly telling yourself "I can't", or "I wish", being "stuck" awaiting "one day". OR are you living deliberately? Feeling the fear of public speaking, yet doing it anyhow? Feeling the frustration of slow progress, yet "doing the daily grind" anyway, knowing that any big goal or dream is worth the struggle, worth developing the patience, the dedication, the tenacity to keep moving forward despite obstacles, setbacks and feelings of discouragement? Knowing that when you feel like giving up most, something tells you to hold on, just a little bit longer... for success is sometimes a sneaky little thing, showing up in little bits and pieces slowly over time, rather than in one big triumphant moment complete with fanfare and fireworks. I've had many a moment of wanting to throw my hands up in the air and give it all up, telling myself this is just too hard, I'm not up to the task of entrepreneurship after all, and that it's time to head back in to the world of nine-to-five. Nothing against that world, but I know in my heart I'm meant to be at home with my children, and living the creative, often bumpy road of an entrepreneur. During those moments, I allow myself tears of frustration, but I just cannot allow myself to wallow there for too terribly long before I pick myself back up again, count the many and abundant blessings that surround me already and carry on forward toward my dreams. Those dreams, the career ones, are slowly but surely coming more and more in to focus with each passing day. I'd like to thank you all, every one of you who stops by this blog post, for joining me - if even for just a brief moment - on this journey. This journey toward following my intuition no matter how terrified I often feel. The journey toward being able to help others in some bigger capacity... that capacity is becoming more apparent, and I'm excited to begin working out the details, logistics, systems and so on to carry this through. Yes, this is my #FitnessFriday blog post for this week. No, it's not about physical fitness this time around. Why? Because I've learned that fitness also encompasses our mental and emotional realms. You'll only go so far as you allow your mind to believe. I'm beginning to allow my mind to believe that I *am* confident enough to stand up in front of people and speak in some capacity. :) So, tell me in a comment below -- Are you living by default or are you breaking free from limitations by making empowering choices in your life despite feeling fear and resistance? This is a Blog Hop post. The following are the 'rules' of the #FitnessFriday Blog Hop:
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![]() Here it is, 11:00 on Thursday night, my brain is basically toast from an eventful and stressful week, and here I am making an attempt to stick with my weekly blogging routine and write a brand new #FitnessFriday blog post. I've been attempting to brainstorm a "hot topic" about which I could write a good "viral-worthy" post. I wanted to write something relevant, something that a lot of people would find helpful, something without a lot of "I" and "me" and with more "you" and more full of advice, I guess you could say. I kind of did that with the last two weekly posts, and I wanted to carry on that trend. However, I'm drawing a bit of a blank at present due to the aforementioned brain drain. And so, for this week, I'm settling upon a quick update on my own personal fitness journey and then I shall leave the forum open to... hopefully... some questions from you who have stopped by to read my ramblings. Had I thought of it sooner, I would have asked around prior to the writing of this blog (days ago!), but... maybe next time. It's part of my helpful nature to reach out and offer any assistance I'm able without thinking about "what's in it for me", so please ask away... any burning fitness, health, weight loss, workout, exercise, food questions you have. I'll answer from my own personal experience and if I don't know, it's highly likely I know someone who does. As for the quick personal update, here goes. Admittedly, April was pretty sketchy for me as far as workouts and running. No excuses, no regrets, no blame, shame or beating up of self. What's done is done and though I'm feeling a little more "lumpy", less firm, and a little more 'doughy' around the middle than I'd gotten used to, I won't dwell in disgust. Moving forward, I have a brand new 'countdown to summer' fitness group on Facebook starting Monday (May 5) -- which, by the way, still has 3 spots open (wanna join? hit me up for details!). Then on May 25, I begin my official full marathon training plan. I've decided upon Hal Higdon's Marathon 3 training plan, which is 24 weeks long and consists of 3 running days a week, 2 cross training days and 2 rest days. I'll make it work, because I'm 100% determined to complete this marathon goal come November 8. I am dedicated!!! Alright, that's enough of an update for one week, I do believe. Now I await your questions, comments, and conversation! (By the way, I took a little time to revamp my website this week... poke around a bit and let me know whatcha think!). This is a Blog Hop post. The following are the 'rules' of the #FitnessFriday Blog Hop:
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